Wild Ginger Handmade - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles - Crochet Business
Side Hustle Posts

Crochet Crafts – Sell What You Make

By Jill McDonough

Are you good at knitting or crocheting? Has anyone ever told you that you should sell what you make?

Maybe a crafting side hustle is for you!

Sell what you make - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles - crocheted earrings

I want you to meet Erin Graham. She is a busy homeschooling mom who also always keeps her hands busy crocheting. She has turned her crocheting into a fun (and successful) side hustle.

Let’s learn all about how she sells what she creates.

What’s your side hustle?

Crochet crafts.

How did you get into this particular side hustle? 

I like to craft and keep my hands busy while I’m relaxing in the evening. I need some sort of creative outlet. 

How long have you been doing this side hustle?

4 years. I’ve been crocheting for myself, my kids, and friends for probably 8 or 9 years but actively selling for about 4 years. 

crocheted scarves - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

Talk about getting started, costs, and your time commitment.

Startup costs were very low. I look for yarn on sale and at discount craft stores. The longer I do it, however, I see the need to invest in higher quality yarns, better tags and bags, a website, etc.

I pull in a couple thousand dollars during craft sale season and probably have a couple hundred in material costs. To me, that is good enough for something I enjoy doing only in my spare time while sitting and relaxing.

Where do you sell your products?

Craft shows are the best place for selling. I also sell online.

In addition to that, I also rent a small section at a handmade goods store. There are many of these types of stores. You pay a monthly fee as well as a percentage from each sale.

I personally would not recommend selling crochet crafts through Etsy. The many costs add up quickly. Etsy strongly pushes that sellers should offer free shipping. They also take a percentage out of each sale, a percentage for using their payment system, and a small fee to list on their site.

Do your kids help you with this side hustle?

Not really. I’ve tried to teach my daughter a few times but she’s not interested. She has sat with me for some of a craft show but gets bored. She makes a great model though!

What are the pros of this side hustle?

  • It’s fun to create.
  • It’s flattering when someone buys your handmade items.
  • Christmas money!

What are the cons of this side hustle?

  • Craft shows can be exhausting and they take up valuable weekend time.
  • Sometimes people don’t recognize the value in buying local handmade over cheap foreign Walmart products. Yes, my things are more expensive but it’s quality, it’s unique, and it’s supporting a local business. These are all things I’m passionate about.

How do you juggle homeschooling and this side hustle?

I usually just crochet in the car, in the evenings, while listening to the kids read to me, or while helping with math, etc.

Basically anytime I’m sitting, I’m crocheting.

How long have you been homeschooling? What homeschool curriculum do you use? Kids’ ages/grades? 

This is our 5th year of homeschooling. We use Sonlight, The Good and the Beautiful and Horizons Math. My kids are ages 11, 9, and 6. They are in the 6th, 4th and 1st grade.

crocheted earrings - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

Would you recommend this particular side hustle? 

Yes, only if you’re already a creative person. Crochet can be hard and ugly at first but it’s fun once you get good at it.

Anything handmade is going to be more for the enjoyment of the craft rather than to make millions. Handcrafted things are slow labor but rewarding. Truly handmade products are dying out, unfortunately. Because of that fact, it is very hard to make a ton of money at it.

However, I’m happy making SOME money and preserving a creative handmade business. I really enjoy coming up with a unique product and making it well. It can be hard but so rewarding. 

Has Erin inspired you to create your own crafting business?

Don’t you want to support her business and purchase some of her super cute items?

Thank you Erin for sharing your business with us!

Contact her today at:



Here is a list of different online places where you can sell your handmade items.