income report - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles
Side Hustle Posts

Income Report & More for March 2021

By Jill McDonough

The homeschooling, side hustling life doesn’t disappoint. It was another busy and enjoyable month. I hope my income report and more for March encourages you to continue this rewarding life homeschooling and side hustling.

Thanks to multiple streams of income, money was still made even though I barely touched my website this month. The best side hustles are ones that can “run themselves” for a while when life gets busy.

Of my various side hustles…here are the side hustles I worked during the month of March.

Income Report & More for March

Side Hustles That Paid Out in March:

Freelancing Publishing Consultant Job

I work as a contractor for a major college textbook publisher. This was another month of full-time work filling in for a sales representative who is on maternity leave.

Fetch Rewards App

Once again I earned Amazon gift cards for simply uploading pictures of receipts to the Fetch Rewards App. I am consistently earning $10/month in Amazon cards.

income report fetch rewards

This is one of my easiest little side hustles and by the year’s end, will have earned me over $100 in free Amazon products!

You have to start this simple side hustle. Sign up today on the Fetch Rewards App. This is easier than clipping coupons and it’s fun to pick out a which gift card reward I want.

Use my code 51VGC to start with 2,000 points ($2) after you scan your first receipt.

My Online Newspaper Course, The Homegrown Newspaper

Homegrown Newspaper - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

More sign ups this month for my son’s course on how to write and publish your own newspaper as a kid. One of the moms is so impressed with the course that she agreed to share my links with her Facebook friends. I love free advertising!

I am also gearing up for advertising at several of the upcoming homeschool conventions. It’s hard to spend the advertising money at first, but it is so sweet when that leap of faith pays off.

Any skill can be monetized. What could you turn into an online course? See how my 10 year old son and I created this online course together.

Affiliate Marketing

Once again I saw money come in from affiliate marketing from simple links I sprinkle here and there.

Affiliate marketing is a GREAT side hustle for us moms. When you’re with friends do you rave about some great book you read or product you use? Are you loving your homeschool materials?

Affiliate marketing is basically getting paid for talking about things you already love. And here’s the great part, I tell my readers about a product I like and make a link available to them. I don’t feel like I’m giving a sales pitch to friends, but yet I see money from when they click on those links. And…most of those links last indefinitely!

Perhaps you have thought of creating a blog about something you’re passionate about. See how Stephanie writes about owning large breed dogs at and Tuula writes about party planning.

What kind of blog could you start?

Side Hustles That Didn’t Bring In Any Money in March:

No egg selling

make money selling eggs

My new chicks are fully feathered but I still won’t see eggs from them until early July. I can’t wait to sell their eggs.

I did interview a few homeschooling moms who sell eggs and learned a lot of tips from them. That will be in a forthcoming post.

No Pay From Teaching French in a Co-op Class

The French class I’m teaching has almost finished. While it paid well, I was paid upfront so I technically didn’t see any money from it this month.

However, I’m already working on signs ups for my upcoming French 1 & French 2 co-op courses this fall. Re-teaching the same material is an easy way to bring in some money.

Is there anything you could teach at a homeschool co-op?

Well, that’s it for side hustling in March.

Well, what about the other two-thirds of the homeschooling, side hustling mom life? This is why I call this my income report and more.

Homeschooling in March:

Sonlight - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

Still loving Sonlight Level C & Level F

This month I purchased and received next year’s Sonlight curriculum. We will be doing Sonlight Level D & Level G. It’s always intimidating seeing so many books, but I know that Sonlight always picks the best ones.

I’ve used the following Sonlight levels: Preschool, Pre-K, and Levels A, B, C, D, E & F. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have about Sonlight. I’m a huge fan.

Teaching Cooking

I believe every homeschool should include teaching our children how to cook for themselves. We know that the homeschooling and side hustling life is busy for a mom. Eventually getting to a point where your kids can make even one meal a week will give you some extra time.

I will soon post my blog post on how I taught my kids to cook dinner. I look forward to every Thursday night when my two boys prepare delicious meals.

One of those evenings I was trapped on a conference call so it was wonderful knowing that someone else was making dinner while I was working.

Mom Life in March:

Finished my Bible Study

My Bible Study group finished John Macarthur’s Stand Firm: Living in a Post-Christian Culture. I highly recommend this short but meaty read. Next month we start a new book. Stay tuned!

Systematic Theology Class at my Church

This class meets once a month. We also happen to be using a John Macarthur book that is a great reference to have for any Bible Study. It is called Biblical Doctrine: A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth. I highly recommend it.

I Got a Bass Guitar!

My family has been enjoying watching The Patridge Family show. We all play instruments and our newly renovated basement includes a jam room. Since no one in the family plays bass, I decided to become the family’s bass guitar player.

Isn’t she pretty???

This month I spent a lot of time trying to learn how to play this instrument that I’ve never touched in my life. We have already had a few “jam sessions” as a family and it is a lot of fun!

I used my Fetch Rewards Amazon gift cards to purchase a great text on music theory for the bass guitar. I LOVE getting free books from side hustles.

Read/Listened to in March

In addition to the many read alouds through Sonlight that I enjoy, I try to read the books my sons will read on their own.

This month I enjoyed Habibi which is a non-read aloud book in Sonlight’s Level F. I also read Mister Max The Book of Lost Things. I am sure my 12 year old son will love this book that is part of a three-book series.

Well, that’s how my March went. How was yours?

I want to encourage you to keep an income report for your side hustles. You will be encouraged by all that you accomplish. It will also push you to do more each month.

income report and more for March- Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

I look forward to hearing how all of your side hustles are going! I can’t wait to see what April brings!

Need help with your current side hustle? You won’t want to miss 10 Rules for Side Hustle Success for the Homeschool Mom.

Not sure you need a side hustle? You will definitely want to read 15 Reasons Why Homeschool Moms Need a Side Hustle in 2021.

Don’t have a side hustle yet? Let’s find your ideal side hustle today!

Find even more ideas and tips by following both the Facebook and Pinterest pages for Homeschool Mom Side Hustles.