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15 Reasons Why Homeschool Moms Need a Side Hustle in 2021

By Jill McDonough

If 2020 taught us anything, it is that all of us, including homeschool moms, need a side hustle in 2021. This past year taught us that income is not guaranteed. Who would have thought that hair salons would be closed down or that we couldn’t eat out at all?

2021 is THE YEAR to create multiple streams of income for your family. You need a side business this year.

Still not convinced?

Here are multiple reasons why homeschool moms need to start a side hustle in 2021:

1. You have the time.

I know. I get it. You’re a homeschool mom and you have a lot to juggle.

However, you can work alongside your children while they are learning, during nap times, and during all the time waiting at appointments.

You get it, there’s time somewhere in your schedule. And if you remind yourself that you need a side hustle, you will find the time.

2. You can’t keep living paycheck to paycheck.

The homeschooling life can be financially difficult. Side hustles help you lighten the financial burden of paying for curriculum, extracurricular activities, and the endless meals we make for our children.

trouble paying bills

3. Get rid of debt.

A side hustle can help alleviate any debt you may have. It is amazing how weighted down you can feel with debt. This is a common reason why homeschool moms need a side hustle.

4. A side hustle can align with a hobby or interest.

If you already have a hobby that you enjoy, why not make some money with it? For example, Erin homeschools her three children while keeping her hands busy crocheting. Read how she turned that hobby into a fun side business.

Tuula was always a great party planner while homeschooling. She turned that passion into a profitable blog, selling printables and great ideas for making great memories.

turn a hobby into a side hustle - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

5. It’s important to continue to grow as a mom.

We homeschool moms are so concerned with our children learning and growing that we often forget about our own growth.

A side hustle is a project that you can tinker with, build on, and grow. The continual learning and growth will give you a sense of accomplishment, especially if you’re feeling like you’re becoming part of the furniture at home.

cost of living

6. The cost of living keeps going up.

Have you noticed your grocery bill going up? How about all of the extras you want to add to your homeschool?

Let’s face it. Life is getting more and more expensive. Having a side hustle will help with the ever rising costs in life.

And speaking of groceries…your newest side hustle this year can be as simple as scanning grocery receipts for Amazon gift cards or other rewards. I would recommend Fetch Rewards for grocery receipts. Use my code 51VGC to get 2,000 points when you scan your first receipt.

And here is a list of money making apps you can start making money with today.

7. You will meet new people.

With your new side hustle, you will meet people who have similar interests as you. For example, if you are a blogger, you will learn from other bloggers and enjoy sharing ideas and tips. If you sell a craft, you will discover other wonderful sellers at craft fairs.

In the same way that it is fun to talk with homeschool moms about curriculum, it is just as fun to talk with other side hustlers.

8. Build security and wealth.

Multiple streams of income not only build wealth, but great security. Build a passive income stream now to bring in more income, and then be prepared if something happens to your husband’s job.

Woman growing passive income - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

9. Anyone can do them.

Seriously. Anyone. Even you! If kids are great at side hustles, a busy homeschool mom can do it too. And trust me, your kids will want to help you out as well.

10. You need something that is yours.

It is so easy to tie your identity to your children and their studies. It is just as important to find something that is completely yours and brings you joy.

I enjoy thinking of my side hustles while doing a mundane job like washing dishes. It keeps my heart light, my brain active, and the job get done quickly.

11. Side hustles are a great teacher.

You can watch Shark Tank and read all the business books, but having a side hustle will teach you the most.

Not only will you learn the aspects of your business such as budgeting and marketing, but you will learn a lot about yourself.

Do you have the will power to keep going when you hit a wall? And your children will learn along with you.

Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

12. The way to make money is rapidly changing.

This true today more than ever. Change the mindset that you can only make money once your children leave the home.

There are so many homeschool moms making money online instead of needing to go to a traditional place of work outside the home.

Also, many businesses outside the home are happy to hire moms as we are known to be hard working, flexible, and good at juggling multiple tasks.

13. Side hustles can be the most flexible jobs available.

I don’t have to explain to homeschool moms that we need side hustles that can be very flexible. Before choosing a side hustle, look at your daily and monthly calendar to see what you can handle.

Homeschool mom juggling - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

14. Side hustles are fun.

As long as you have found a side hustle you enjoy, it is SO exciting to make extra money and contribute to the family’s finances.

I personally like to figure out something I want to purchase with my side hustle money.

For example, it is fun to figure out that your side hustle is paying for piano lessons or the new patio furniture.

15. Have a business all set up and running when you are done homeschooling.

It might be hard to imagine now, but there will come a day when you are no longer your children’s full-time teacher.

It can be a tough transition unless you already have something in place to fill the void once filled with teaching.

when you are done homeschooling - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles


Homeschool moms definitely need a side hustle in 2021. Side hustles are a great way to add to and protect your income. You will also enjoy some personal fulfillment.

If you find something you enjoy working on you’ll be learning new skills and building something in your own name that you can feel good about.

It can grow to a business you want to pursue when your days of homeschooling are behind you.

Ready to find that new side hustle for 2021? See my ever growing list of side hustles perfect for homeschool moms.

Want to make sure you have success with your side hustle? Read my 10 Rules for Side Hustle Success for the Homeschool Mom.