Babysitting - side hustle for kids
Side Hustle Posts


By Jill McDonough

Babysitting is a great side hustle that teaches kids the life skill of learning how to take care of younger children. Babysitting can grow into a great business for teens and young adults.

I actually started babysitting when I was 11. Since I was the youngest in my family and had no young cousins near me, I had never even changed a diaper! I’m glad I had many years of babysitting and learned a lot that helped me as a mother.

babysitting, side hustle for kids - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

How to Get Started

Most kids get their first babysitting job through a family friend and then it grows through word of mouth. A great place to start is by volunteering at your church’s nursery or at a mom’s program that provides childcare such as MOPS, BFS or individual church’s Bible Studies. Ask around and it will not take long to find a group in need of extra help.

Go the Extra Mile/Stand Out From Others

Take a babysitting course and/or CPR course at the YMCA or library.

You can locate a babysitting/childcare course near you through this Red Cross website.

American Red Cross Babysitting Class - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles
Now that many courses are online now, you can take babysitting courses from the comfort of your home, at your own speed.

When searched for courses in my area, three online choices were available. Here are the descriptions of each course:

The Child and Baby First Aid/CPR/AED Online Course

This course will prepare you to recognize and care for a variety of first aid, breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children and infants. With award-winning simulation learning in an interactive experience, you will respond to real-world emergencies in a virtual setting.

You will need a PC or tablet with a high speed Internet connection. Allow approximately 2 hours 25 minutes to complete the course. This course does not meet OSHA requirements for workplace certification. $35

The Babysitting Basics Online Course

This is designed primarily for youth ages 11 and older. This online course will prepare students to be better babysitters. Topics include how to provide care for infants and children; how to stay safe; what to do in an emergency; how to choose age-appropriate activities; and how to recognize and handle a variety of behaviors. Students will also learn the basics of starting a babysitting business.

The course consists of six interactive modules featuring video, activities, games and tools babysitters can use to build their knowledge and skills and manage their babysitting business. This course, which includes a final exam at the end, takes about 4 hours to complete. Students who successfully complete the course will receive a printable certificate. $45

The American Red Cross Advanced Child Care Training Online Course

This course teaches the knowledge and skills necessary to responsibly care for children and infants in and outside of the home. This includes training in leadership, child behavior and discipline, professionalism, safety, basic childcare (bottle feeding, holding, etc.). Learners will be engaged in virtual environments in which world-class animated characters respond specifically to choices made. Throughout, learning is supported through additional activities and informative videos.

Note: This program is not intended as certification for state licensed child-care providers and does not meet all state requirements for such certification. $45

Canadian Red Cross Babysitting Course - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

If you are in Canada, the Canadian Red Cross Babysitting Course is much more robust and takes 7-8 hours to complete. They even teach how to market yourself to prospective families. Go side-hustling, Canadian teens!

Learn more about the Canadian Red Cross Babysitting Training Courses.

Once you have completed the course, make sure you get the word out that you are “Babysitting Certified” and/or “CPR Certified.”

Make up business cards with name, contact info, and your unique qualifications. You can purchase blank business cards or “almost blank” business cards with cute designs. You can find them at any major office supply store or through Amazon HERE. With your home printer, you can print your own cards.

How Much to Charge

Usually the family will say how much they pay babysitters. There is no standard babysitting fee, even among friends. I would ask the family what they pay per hour. It might be higher than you expected.

If it is not, have a simple negotiating line ready, such as “Oh, I typically get at least $____ an hour. Is that possible for you?”

What to pay babysitters - side hustles for kids - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles has a Babysitting Rates Calculator, but I personally think the rates are drastically too high. Or maybe I’ve always been paying my sitters too little?! I’d love to hear your comments on this!

Remember, sometimes you would rather babysit the family whose kids are super well-behaved who don’t pay that much than sit the bratty kids who pay more.

Also, consider how often you sit for a family, extra responsibilities like pets, ease of getting to and from the job, hours, late nights, etc.

Think Outside the Box

My niece made “babysitting money” by walking a kid home from school. It was the easiest money she probably ever made since she had to walk home as well. Keep your eyes open for kids in your neighborhood you could walk home for a profit.

Even if you are homeschooled, a parent can still hire you to walk their child home from school. You will need to set up that someone drops you off at that school each afternoon.

Many parents and their friends stay home for New Year’s Eve. Start soliciting for a babysitting job. Grab a responsible friend of yours and the both of you will spend the evening with a large group of kids playing games and watching movies.

New Year's Eve Babysitting Side Hustle - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

Make up sample business cards or flyers specifically for this type of babysitting job. These jobs are great because you are not all alone and all of the parents pitch in on the pay which means you will probably be overpaid! You will make great money even if you split your profits with your babysitting partner.


Lastly, here are some great books to get you ready for this great side hustle!

The Ultimate Babysitting Course Manual by L.A. Hoekstra

The Babysitter’s Survival Guide: Fun Games, Cool Crafts, Safety Tips, and More! by Jill D. Chassé

Want to learn about additional side hustles you can do as a kid? Check out our full list of Side Hustles for Kids.