Norwex Homeschool mom side hustle
Side Hustle Posts

Norwex – A Chemical-Free Side Hustle

By Jill McDonough

Kristi Rice is a super sweet, homeschooling, side-hustling mom. I was personally skeptical of Norwex products being as great as advertised, but it’s all true!

Since we’re all homeschooling, wouldn’t we want our homes to be as chemical-free as possible? You will not only want to be a customer of Kristi’s, but you will probably want to be on her team too.

Let’s learn more about the side hustle of selling Norwex products from Kristi.

How did you get into this particular side hustle?

I had friends who used it and I wanted to stop using harmful chemicals in my house.

How long have you been doing this side hustle?

7 years

Talk about getting started and startup costs.

I had a party to launch my business, which paid for my starter kit. I chose to purchase business cards and banners for vendor events. This was still a minimal cost. I took advantage of sales and specials to get extra inventory because people like to do “cash and carry” at vendor events I do more and more events like these.

Do your kids help you with this side hustle?

Yes, they help me at vendor events, make and send samples, and with the business/accounting side for experience.

What are the pros of this side hustle?

  • Working from home on your own schedule, as little or as much as you want.
  • You don’t have to have a huge inventory.
  • There are a lot of ways to have “parties,” not just in home.

What are the cons of this side hustle?

  • Some areas, mine included, are over saturated with consultants. This makes it hard to get in on vendor events and to get new clients.
  • You need to be a people person, not necessarily a sales person, but like to talk to anyone, anywhere about your products.

How do you juggle homeschooling and this side hustle?

It is very easy to plan around. We are super flexible with our homeschool schedule, so it really isn’t an issue. We use it for some of our school work sometimes.

How long have you been homeschooling?

8 years

What homeschool curriculum do you use?

We use a mix of a lot of them. Life of Fred is our only consistent one. I have two girls in grades 11 and 8/9. My two boys are adults now.

Would you recommend this particular side hustle?


Who wants clean products in their home? I do!

Norwex, Homeschool Mom Side Hustle

Normally, Kristi has a website at Due to Covid-19, she has had to scale back because of 2 part-time job losses. She is not currently paying for that website but you can still contact her through these means:

Phone: 616-262-4819


Let’s flood her with business, with or without a website! Let’s reduce the number of chemicals in our homeschools with Kristi’s awesome Norwex products!