Income Report - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles
Side Hustle Posts

Income Report & More for April 2021

By Jill McDonough

Where was I when this month zoomed by? I love writing Income Reports and More as I see how life can drastically change from one month to the next.

This month I had to focus on my out-of-state family and travel to see them due to a health crisis. While my life was unexpectedly disrupted, side hustles were still working for me and homeschooled kids know how to learn from whatever life throws at them.

The beauty of having side hustles online meant that I could work on them while on the road and while in another state. Not all side hustles are like this, but it’s nice to manage things while away from home.

Of my various side hustles…here are the side hustles I worked during the month of April.

April monthly income report

Side Hustles That Paid Out in April:

Freelancing Publishing Consultant Job

My highest paying side hustle right now is that I work as a contractor for a major college textbook publisher. This was another month of full-time work filling in for a sales representative who was on maternity leave. The maternity leave ended May 3rd, so tune in next month to see if I landed another gig.

Fetch Rewards App

Once again I earned Amazon gift cards for simply uploading pictures of receipts to the Fetch Rewards App. I typically earn $10/month in Amazon cards. With being away from home and off of my usual routine of purchasing groceries, I didn’t make as much this month.

I’m kicking myself that I didn’t ask some family members for their receipts. When you explain what it’s for, even strangers have given me receipts. Hey, if someone doesn’t want to take a picture of their receipt and make some money, I’ll happily ask for their receipt!

Fetch Rewards - Income Report & More

If you haven’t started this simple side hustle, what are you waiting for? I literally take a picture of my receipt when I unpack groceries and then I’m done. That’s it!

Sign up today on the Fetch Rewards App. This is easier than clipping coupons and it’s fun to pick out a which gift card reward I want.

Use my code 51VGC to start with at least 2,000 points ($2) after you scan your first receipt.

Affiliate Marketing

Once again I saw money come in from affiliate marketing from simple links I sprinkle here and there on this website and on Facebook.

My links add no additional cost to anyone but provide me with a nice steady income.

Side Hustles That Didn’t Bring In Any Money in April:

My Online Newspaper Course, The Homegrown Newspaper

Homegrown Newspaper - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

I didn’t have any sign ups for my online course this past month. That’s understandable as homeschool families are trying to wrap up their school year instead of adding something new.

I am going to come up with some more marketing plans over this summer and hopefully work towards a lot of sign ups for the beginning of the school year.

No egg selling

My chicks are still growing so I still won’t see any money with this side hustle until July. I cannot wait!

egg selling - income report and more

Well, that’s it for side hustling in April.

Well, what about the other two-thirds of the homeschooling, side hustling mom life? This is why I call this my income report and more.

Homeschooling in April:

Sonlight - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

Still loving Sonlight Level C & Level F

A lot of my friends have just finished their homeschool year these past few days. I tend to finish our main Sonlight curriculum in early June each year.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this year and almost hate to see it end. I must admit though that it will be nice to have some more time for fun projects.

Mom Life in April:

Started a New Book in My Bible Study

This month my Bible Study group just started Paul Tripp’s Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family. So far we have had some great chats as we’re all in slightly different phases with our parenting.

Parenting - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

Read/Listened to in April

This month I read very little. Again, this was because of being with family. However, I thoroughly enjoyed Half a Chance. I read this to preview for my 12 year old son to see if it would be a good summer reader. It is excellent!

It made me want to rent a cottage on a lake in NH. It involves a girl and a photography contest. You learn so much as she tries to set up a shot and talks about what makes a picture good or bad.

Summer reader - Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

If you need some summer readers for your kids and you want to make sure they are high quality stories, this book did not disappoint. You can also look at Sonlight’s Summer Readers.

Since we’re talking about summer, read my post on how and why we homeschool through the summer.

Well, that’s how my April went. How was yours?

I want to keep encouraging you to create an income report and more for your side hustles. You will be encouraged by all that you accomplish. It will also push you to do more each month.

income report and more for April- Homeschool Mom Side Hustles

I look forward to hearing how all of your side hustles are going! I can’t wait to see what May brings!

Find even more ideas and tips by following both the Facebook and Pinterest pages for Homeschool Mom Side Hustles.